Ticket Type
Register 1 July – 30 September!
Price: €600
Register after 30 September!
Price: €750
Price: €300
€350 Payment per day
- Cancellation before 28 August 2023, 90% refund.
- Cancellation between 28 August and 1 October 2023, 50% refund.
- Cancellation after 1 October 2023, no refund.
Be noticed that these non-full refunds were made due to Bank transfer and administration costs that will be applied due to cancellation.
Payment Instructions
* You must complete the registration form and the payment to receive confirmation of registration*
Please send the appropriate payment amount (depending on your ticket type) through bank transfer. Please use the following bank details:
IBAN: NL14INGB0000244887
Name of Account: Trace 2000 Groningen
In the message/ extra details please state the same name you used in the registration form.
Once we have received your payment, we will check that it is the correct amount and we will send you a confirmation of registration. If we observe any issues with your payment we will contact you.